Wednesday 6 November 2013

I thought of some more things!

     I have now completed the concepts for my bar scene. However before I got on to this I started thinking about the function of my environment, as in why would the player be there, what would be the point. This made me think that unlike Max Payne, I don't want my bar to be a level that you walk though, but more like a base or home location in an open world game. As this idea came into my mind I started thinking of other inspirational sources that were more similar in their function and I felt it was important to mention them here.
  GTA- The Lost and Damned- Whilst GTA IV did have bar scenes within it L&D's storyline focused upon a biker gang who's base was located in a dirty, rundown, old bar much like what I have in mind.

     The stripper pole on the right ties in with the more seedy kind or atmosphere of this location. The necessity of the cage has presented a grim outlook on some of the more unsavory customers you could expect to find here.
This functions as a hideout for the player and as a place where the game can be saved etc, as well as being the location of several missions and storyline events. This particular expansion of GTA did not permit the player to change outfits, the character was expected to be wearing gang uniform, however a wardrobe option would normally be available at safehouses within this series. Importantly the location also includes minigame options for the player like snooker and cards. This is something I would like to prepare for in my scene as I feel the more interactive the base is the more appreciative the player is of it. Furthermore minigames like this are sometimes even my favourite part, the checkers tables in Assassins Creed 3 are an example of. They can also provide a nice variation in the gameplay from time to time which can be refreshing, particularly if you were perhaps stuck on a certain level in the storyline missions and fancied a break.

     GTA V
Another GTA example this time the most recent release. I found this to be particularly useful as one of the bases later in the game happens to be a strip club.

    The location as it is happens to be much better kept and much more well funded than what I have in mind however it is useful to me to see what my environment will be a cheap imitation of. Strip clubs already have a reputation of being pretty tacky, garish colours, neon lights etc. so I am hoping that my example of an impoverished attempt at recreating it will really have an unpleasant seedy quality that will effectively give the player a strong sense of the kind of environment their character is surrounded by.

     Like in the Lost and Damned this base has functions the player can perform. On top of those listed already (game saves, outfits etc.) Players can plan missions, save vehicles in parking spaces, consume food/drink, and obviously interact with strippers. The last option can also then allow them to date the said stripper if they wish. These are all ideas which like the sound of. I only plan to create the interior of my environment for this project so the parking situation is less important however I particularly like the idea that, a little like GTA, the character could be running multiple operations which could all be managed from a particular location within the bar. I also like the idea that players could, retool, refuel, and rest should they need to at this location.
      These games have given me a little more to consider in the planning of my environment. With this in mind I will now start to put together some ideas of what it should look like.

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